Okay, this was the task for quite a few weeks ago and I have only just finished it as me and photoshop? Many, many issues there. We're no longer on speaking terms but i have finally finished it and i am done! Yay! So here are my photos.

Photo 1-Friends: This was my first attempt at using Photoshiop-EVER! So i decided the easiest way to do this assignment without my head exploding and me bursting into tears was to do a collage. Many different photos thrown in obviously, mainly ones that I liked. Especially love the cute dog with the ice cream!

Photo 2-Communication: Not really sure what i was thinking with this one but many, many, many thanks to Adam who helped a lot with this one and a lot during the others-I had many, many Photoshop issues! Nonetheless I really like this one, it's kind of funky and makes it look like I'm pretty okay at using Photoshop!

Photo 3-News-Worthy: Originally planned on doing something creative with Paris Hilton behind some prison bars but due to afore mentioned photoshop issues couldn't work it out so I did yet anything funky collage.

Photo 4-Australian: This is maybe a little bit more Kansas than Australian but I couldn't really think of anything else to do! I still like it.

Photo 5-Popular: This was the last photo I did and had no idea what to do with "popular" it is just so broad and weird, and since i am weird i thought of something weird to do. Watched the Logies and noticed that everything was "Popular New this" And "Popular Whatever else" and decided to do this fun collage. Notice a theme with my photos yet? Collages are easy!

So those are my photos, hope you liked them, they took me a long time! Til next time. Bye
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